Wednesday, July 4, 2012

BJJ Vocabulary in Portuguese and English

BJJ Vocabulary in Portuguese and English

just found this on some web-site.. enjoy.

abaixa a bunda: lower the butt

abriu o bicobe: tired

amarelou: coward, as in “yellow”

americana: key lock

armeloque: armlock / armbar

até logo: (see you) later!

atleta: athlete

baiana: double leg takedown

barato: cool!

barrigada: bridge

bicho: animal, but when referring to another guy, a tough guy / buddy

bolsa: purse, prize money

bom, boa: good

bombado: steroids

bota pra baixo: put on bottom, take your opponent down

bota pra dormir: put to sleep

boxe Thailandes: muay thai

cabeçada: head butt

cara: guy

casca grosa: tough guy

cem kilos: side mount (one hundred kilos)

cervical: neck crank

chão: ground

chave de biceps: bicep crush

chave de braço: americana and/or any key lock

chave de joelho: kneebar

chave de pé: foot lock

chute: a kick

chute boxe: kick boxing

crucifixo: crucifix

corrido: fast

dar um rola: spar, roll

desfecho: outcome, result

duro: tough

equipe: team

escovar: win easily, dominate

escrima: spar

esgotado: tired

estrangulamento: strangle

ezequiel: forearm choke

faixa: belt

* branca: white
* azul: blue
* roxa: purple
* marrom: brown
* preta: black

faixa frouxa: undeserved (loose) belt

faixa pesada: deserved (heavy) belt

forte: strong

fraco: weak

fecha a guarda: close the guard

finaliza: finish (your opponent)!

frouxa: coward (weak)

fugir de quadril: “escape” the hip

gancho: hook

gas: stamina

guerreiro: warrior

gola: collar

gola rodada: pass the collar

golpe: a punch or strike

gravata técnica: headlock

guardeiro: a good guard fighter

guilhotina: guillotine

inversão: reversal

joelhada: knee strike

joelho na barriga: knee on belly

jogo: game

joga por baixo: play from bottom

joga por cima: play from top

kimura: shoulder lock

legal: cool!

lutador: fighter

macete: details, tricks

macetoso: a technical fighter

mais o menos: more or less

mão de vaca: wrist lock

maneiro: cool, great

mandinga: devious, tricky

mano: buddy

marrudo: arrogant, ****y

mata leão: “killing the lion”, rear naked choke

meia guarda: half guard

montada: mount

morreu: tired

muito bacana: very cool

murro: a punch or strike

mutuca: coward

nocaute: knockout

obrigado: thank you

omoplata: shoulder lock

pancada: a punch

passador: a good guard passer

passa o carro: win easily, dominate

pedalada: heel stomp

pega as costas: take the back

pisão: stepping / stomp kick

pontape: a kick

porrada: a brawl, skirmish

postura: posture

punicão: penalty

passagem a guarda: a passing of the guard

passando a guarda: passing the guard

passa a guarda: pass the guard

pedreira: tough guy

pegada: grip

queda: take down

quimono: gi (kimono)

raspagem: a sweep

raspa ele!: sweep him! (also, vai raspa!)

regras: rules

relogio: clock choke

revanche: revenge

ringue: ring (as in boxing ring)

saida: exit, escape

sangue bom: good guy (good blood)

tatame: mat

tempo: time, as in “Stop rolling, time’s up!”

time: team

torcida: fans, supporters

triângulo: triangle

upa: upsy-daisy

vai: go (start rolling)

vale tudo: anything goes, no holds barred, MMA

vira de quatro: go to turtle position