Thursday, March 29, 2012
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Erins Amos

I have some sponsors looking at Erins youtube page.
We are trying to find her sponsors for her Olympic Sports. If anyone knows of a company wanting to support her let me know. She is under the adopt an athlete program for the Olympic Training Center. So all donations would fall under a 501c and be a tax right off. Let me know if anyone needs the contact information. Also any individual can donate to her account also. All donations are handled by the Olympic Training Center. If you have a spare moment go to erins youtube page and like each of her videos. This will help her rateings. Please pass this site onto your friends. www.youtube.com/erinamos1
Saturday, March 17, 2012
kid bjj news

Kid Peligro Jiu-Jitsu News . . . Pan 2012: Top fighters sign up - "Cachorrao" Almeida competing - Atos training -- Ricardo Arona at Kron Gracie's - Roger Gracie at Black House http://www.adcombat.com/news/2012-03-17/kid-peligro-jiu-jitsu-news-ricardo-arona-kron-gracies-pan-2012-atos-training
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Monday, March 12, 2012
marcelo alonso bjj camp
Sunday, March 11, 2012
bjj events

3/17/2012 NAGA - Houston, TX
3/17/2012 Good Fight - Langhorne PA
3/17/2012 Hayastan - Charlotte, NC
3/17/2012 Liberty - Bonney Lake, WA
3/17/2012 Combat Club Classics - Jacksonville, NC
3/18/2012 Caxcudo GI World Cup
3/24/2012 NAGA - St. Louis, MO
3/24/2012 Grapplers Quest - Wayne, NJ
3/24/2012 BJJ-GP - Jacksonville, FL
3/24/2012 Jiu Jitsu By the Bay - Alameda, CA
3/24/2012 Maryland BJJ Scrimmage - Silver Spring, MD
3/24/2012 WV Grappling Open - Clendenin, WV
3/24/2012 Elite Federation Of Grapplers - Warren, MI
3/29/2012 - 04/01/2012 IBJJF Pan Ams
3/31/2012 NAGA - Gallatin, TN
3/17/2012 Good Fight - Langhorne PA
3/17/2012 Hayastan - Charlotte, NC
3/17/2012 Liberty - Bonney Lake, WA
3/17/2012 Combat Club Classics - Jacksonville, NC
3/18/2012 Caxcudo GI World Cup
3/24/2012 NAGA - St. Louis, MO
3/24/2012 Grapplers Quest - Wayne, NJ
3/24/2012 BJJ-GP - Jacksonville, FL
3/24/2012 Jiu Jitsu By the Bay - Alameda, CA
3/24/2012 Maryland BJJ Scrimmage - Silver Spring, MD
3/24/2012 WV Grappling Open - Clendenin, WV
3/24/2012 Elite Federation Of Grapplers - Warren, MI
3/29/2012 - 04/01/2012 IBJJF Pan Ams
3/31/2012 NAGA - Gallatin, TN
colorado bjj state
The Gentle Art of Humility: Ego and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
The Gentle Art of Humility: Ego and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
Valerie Worthington
Contributor - Martial Arts
“Jiu-jitsu” translates from the Japanese as “the gentle art.” The idea here is that practitioners can execute moves realistically and at full speed without having to worry they will injure their partner. If caught in a submission, all the partner need do is tap the submitter’s body to signify capitulation, and the submitter will release the submission.
However, if the submitter is going to be able to release the submission at the right time, before damage is done, the person in the submission must do his/her part. S/he must be humble, laying his/her ego aside and acknowledging being bested. Particularly for those of us who started BJJ after having achieved some measure of professional and personal success in other domains, it can be difficult to concede that someone has outperformed you. If you stay with grappling for any length of time, however, it will happen again and again. You’ll have to repeatedly acknowledge - and embrace - defeat.
The alternative is that the person in the submission forces the other person to decide whether or not to apply the submission until pain or unconsciousness results. And it is not fair to put the other person in that position. We are all responsible for our own well-being, and if we allow our egos to get in the way when we are working on getting better at BJJ, then we are missing the point. And acting like a jerk.
Humility goes deeper than just tapping, too. It should pervade every interaction on the mat, simultaneously communicating respect, healthy self-esteem, and a willingness to defer to others. I have had the privilege of watching extremely high level practitioners demonstrate humility, by working on moves that haven’t historically been part of their usual repertoire, by putting themselves in disadvantageous positions and trying to work out of them (and yes, tapping when it doesn’t work the first time), by celebrating the progress of the “lowliest” white belt. These practitioners demonstrate that humility is not only the bigger choice, it is also the path to improvement. And what’s good enough for practitioners who have probably been black belts for longer than I have been training is good enough for me.
You may say it’s easy for a high-level practitioner to demonstrate humility. I certainly don’t belong in the category of grappler I just described above, but I do have some experience humbling myself to get better at jiu-jitsu. If I’m any indication, it doesn’t get easier or more enjoyable. It just becomes something you get more used to - you become comfortable with the discomfort of wishing you were better, worrying about what other people think and whether your efforts are going to pay off, and sometimes feeling ornery and uncooperative.
That being said, if you aren’t yet comfortable, fake it. Otherwise, you run the risk of becoming the aforementioned jerk, and this increases the likelihood you will get your ass beat by someone who learned how to be humble, which enabled that person to get better than you at BJJ.
You may see posturing among MMA fighters and wonder how/why they get to talk trash if you don’t. Well, part of their job is to entertain and create anticipation. (But even some of the outspoken fighters are soft-spoken in real life.) If you are a run of the mill grappler, it’s not cool for you to go into the nearest IHOP and act like a d**chebag, even if you did just get a stripe on your belt. (This may come as a shock, but the waiter doesn’t give a crap.) If you happen to be able to travel through time and you ride a unicorn to work, okay, you get to act like your poop smells like roses. Otherwise, I daresay you’d be wise to practice in real life the humility I’m suggesting we practice on the mat.
Here is a non-exhaustive list of handy ways to demonstrate that you are NOT being humble during your training:
1. You feel and/or act superior to someone if you think you can get away with it.
2. You refuse to tap.
3. You try to finish your instructor’s sentences.
4. You train angry, especially after someone catches you in a finish.
5. You argue with your instructor for any reason.
6. You keep a running tally of exactly how many times you’ve tapped someone and how many times you’ve been tapped.
7. You give 100% resistance during the drilling part of the class when not instructed to do so.
8. You routinely come late to class so you can avoid the warm-up.
9. You have - and worse, offer - an opinion about when you should be promoted.
10. You stop drilling the technique before the instructor tells you to because “you’ve got it, thanks.”
11.You successfully execute a move and look around to see who noticed.
We are human. It can be exceedingly difficult to put our egos aside. But there is no other way to get better at BJJ, or, truthfully, at life. If we're not willing to be bad at something first, we'll never get better at it. And as I’ve mentioned, if we are unable to access our humility, both on the mat and in the outside world, no one will like us, everyone will hate us, and we'll want to go out and eat worms. That should be reason enough to give it a try!
Valerie Worthington
Contributor - Martial Arts
“Jiu-jitsu” translates from the Japanese as “the gentle art.” The idea here is that practitioners can execute moves realistically and at full speed without having to worry they will injure their partner. If caught in a submission, all the partner need do is tap the submitter’s body to signify capitulation, and the submitter will release the submission.
However, if the submitter is going to be able to release the submission at the right time, before damage is done, the person in the submission must do his/her part. S/he must be humble, laying his/her ego aside and acknowledging being bested. Particularly for those of us who started BJJ after having achieved some measure of professional and personal success in other domains, it can be difficult to concede that someone has outperformed you. If you stay with grappling for any length of time, however, it will happen again and again. You’ll have to repeatedly acknowledge - and embrace - defeat.
The alternative is that the person in the submission forces the other person to decide whether or not to apply the submission until pain or unconsciousness results. And it is not fair to put the other person in that position. We are all responsible for our own well-being, and if we allow our egos to get in the way when we are working on getting better at BJJ, then we are missing the point. And acting like a jerk.
Humility goes deeper than just tapping, too. It should pervade every interaction on the mat, simultaneously communicating respect, healthy self-esteem, and a willingness to defer to others. I have had the privilege of watching extremely high level practitioners demonstrate humility, by working on moves that haven’t historically been part of their usual repertoire, by putting themselves in disadvantageous positions and trying to work out of them (and yes, tapping when it doesn’t work the first time), by celebrating the progress of the “lowliest” white belt. These practitioners demonstrate that humility is not only the bigger choice, it is also the path to improvement. And what’s good enough for practitioners who have probably been black belts for longer than I have been training is good enough for me.
You may say it’s easy for a high-level practitioner to demonstrate humility. I certainly don’t belong in the category of grappler I just described above, but I do have some experience humbling myself to get better at jiu-jitsu. If I’m any indication, it doesn’t get easier or more enjoyable. It just becomes something you get more used to - you become comfortable with the discomfort of wishing you were better, worrying about what other people think and whether your efforts are going to pay off, and sometimes feeling ornery and uncooperative.
That being said, if you aren’t yet comfortable, fake it. Otherwise, you run the risk of becoming the aforementioned jerk, and this increases the likelihood you will get your ass beat by someone who learned how to be humble, which enabled that person to get better than you at BJJ.
You may see posturing among MMA fighters and wonder how/why they get to talk trash if you don’t. Well, part of their job is to entertain and create anticipation. (But even some of the outspoken fighters are soft-spoken in real life.) If you are a run of the mill grappler, it’s not cool for you to go into the nearest IHOP and act like a d**chebag, even if you did just get a stripe on your belt. (This may come as a shock, but the waiter doesn’t give a crap.) If you happen to be able to travel through time and you ride a unicorn to work, okay, you get to act like your poop smells like roses. Otherwise, I daresay you’d be wise to practice in real life the humility I’m suggesting we practice on the mat.
Here is a non-exhaustive list of handy ways to demonstrate that you are NOT being humble during your training:
1. You feel and/or act superior to someone if you think you can get away with it.
2. You refuse to tap.
3. You try to finish your instructor’s sentences.
4. You train angry, especially after someone catches you in a finish.
5. You argue with your instructor for any reason.
6. You keep a running tally of exactly how many times you’ve tapped someone and how many times you’ve been tapped.
7. You give 100% resistance during the drilling part of the class when not instructed to do so.
8. You routinely come late to class so you can avoid the warm-up.
9. You have - and worse, offer - an opinion about when you should be promoted.
10. You stop drilling the technique before the instructor tells you to because “you’ve got it, thanks.”
11.You successfully execute a move and look around to see who noticed.
We are human. It can be exceedingly difficult to put our egos aside. But there is no other way to get better at BJJ, or, truthfully, at life. If we're not willing to be bad at something first, we'll never get better at it. And as I’ve mentioned, if we are unable to access our humility, both on the mat and in the outside world, no one will like us, everyone will hate us, and we'll want to go out and eat worms. That should be reason enough to give it a try!
Saturday, March 10, 2012

The North American Grappling Association (NAGA) is the world’s largest mixed grappling tournament circuit with over 150,000 competitors worldwide! On Saturday, April 28th, 2012, NAGA returns to Colorado for its annual NAGA Colorado Grappling Championship. The tournament will take place at Arvada High School in Arvada, CO. Come as an individual or as a team to compete. You do not have to live in Colorado or be on a team to participate in this event.. This will be a one day event.This event is nationally RANKED!
PRE-REGISTER ONLINE HERE or download the registration form, print it out and mail it in to the address on the form along with your check.
1 Division = $80; 2 Divisions = $100, Spectators = $10 ($15 after pre-reg closes). For family rates, download the event flyer/registration form, or click the Pre-Register Online link. Pre-registration closes at 5PM on Friday,April 20.
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Kimura bjj

Kimura (Gyaku ude-garami)
Kimura (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu), chicken wing/double wristlock (wrestling), or reverse keylock are terms used to specify a medial keylock known in judo as gyaku ude-garami (reverse arm entanglement) or simply as ude-garami. The application is similar to the americana, except that it is reversed. It needs some space behind the opponent to be effective, and can be applied from the side control or guard. Contrary to the americana, the opponent's wrist is grabbed with the hand on the same side, and the opposite arm is put behind the opponent's arm, again grabbing the attacker's wrist and forming a figure-four. By controlling the opponent's body and cranking the arm away from the attacker, pressure is put on the shoulder joint, and depending on the angle, also the elbow joint (in some variations the opponent's arm is brought behind their back, resulting in a finishing position resembling that of the hammerlock outlined below). The kimura was named after the judoka Masahiko Kimura, who used it to defeat one of the founders of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Hélio Gracie
Kimura (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu), chicken wing/double wristlock (wrestling), or reverse keylock are terms used to specify a medial keylock known in judo as gyaku ude-garami (reverse arm entanglement) or simply as ude-garami. The application is similar to the americana, except that it is reversed. It needs some space behind the opponent to be effective, and can be applied from the side control or guard. Contrary to the americana, the opponent's wrist is grabbed with the hand on the same side, and the opposite arm is put behind the opponent's arm, again grabbing the attacker's wrist and forming a figure-four. By controlling the opponent's body and cranking the arm away from the attacker, pressure is put on the shoulder joint, and depending on the angle, also the elbow joint (in some variations the opponent's arm is brought behind their back, resulting in a finishing position resembling that of the hammerlock outlined below). The kimura was named after the judoka Masahiko Kimura, who used it to defeat one of the founders of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Hélio Gracie

The keylock,
(also known as the figure-four armlock, bent armlock, paintbrush, americana, or ude-garami is a grappling technique using both of the practitioner’s arms isolate and to cause flexion to the shoulder, elbow, and to a lesser extent the wrist of the opponent. The technique is generally set in motion by the practitioner, using their same side hand, (i.e. to target the right hand he uses his own right hand) pinning the opponent's arm to the ground at the wrist, so that the elbow falls at a right angle with the palm facing upwards. Subsequently, the practitioner will thread his opposite hand under the opponent’s bicep, reach through and grasp his own wrist, doing so creates the signature “figure four,” from which one name for this technique was derived, this also gives the practitioner a mechanical advantage over the opponent. To finish the submission the practitioner slides the wrist of the opponent toward the lower body, while simultaneously elevating the elbow and forearm, in a motion resembling using a paintbrush, creating opposition to the joints and causing the necessary flexion in the shoulder and elbow to cause significant pain, and damage if the opponent fails to submit. While it is feasible to execute this technique from several different positions, the most commonly utilized are the full mount and the side mount positions, most likely because these afford the greatest opportunity to isolate an opponent’s arm. This technique also has numerous variations with their own nomenclature, for instance depending on the rotational direction the arm, the addition of the word "reverse" signifying medial rotation as in reverse keylock or reverse ude-garami, in which case the usage of "keylock" indicates lateral rotation only.
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